To use this template in a new project, either download the [ZIP]( directly from GitHub or clone it using Git:
The main entry point for the document compilation is the file `main.tex` in the repo root.
Besides setting some common parameters for the document (like author name, title, date etc.), the basic document structure is created here (mostly by including seperate files) in the following order:
If you don't need one of the predefined document parts or want to omit it, simply remove or comment out the corresponding statements in `main.tex`.
**(i)** Please note: Before starting with content, you should change the common variables in `main.tex`.
## Inserting basic content
For each chapter create a single chapter file in the `chapter/` directory.
Chapter files need to reference the main file using
%!TEX root = ../main.tex
Next, include it in `main.tex` using
Numbering the files with prefixes (like `01_introduction`) is recommended.
## Bibliography
The bibliography index uses `biblatex`.
Entries are taken from `library/library.bib`, you may add your PDF files here too and link them to the bibliography entries (e.g. using biblatex frontend/gui tools like *JabRef*).
To be included in the document, every bibliography entry needs to be keyword-classified manually.
For each keyword there will be a seperate subsection in the bibliography section in the document.
If there's no bibliography entry for a keyword, the bibliography type will be ommitted and no subsection will be created in the bibliography section in the document.
Here's an overview of the supported document types and their keywords:
You can use it directly on without a private GitLab instance or runner, because the CI jobs rely on corresponding Docker images ([tmaier/hunspell]( for spellchecking and [bnord01/docker-latex-pygments]( for the actual latex build).
If you plan to use this boilerplate on your private GitLab instance or to customize it, please keep the following aspects in mind.
As LaTex `\input` directives are not recognized, all TeX files containing content need to be spellchecked seperately.
Therefore, only the `chapter` files are included in the spellcheck.
If you need certain words to be ignored during spellcheck (e.g. if they're not in the standard dictionaries), please insert them into the file `.hunspellignore`.
This is a simple word list structured by one word per line.
By default, the spellcheck job is allowed to fail.
Unlike the usual itemization environments they do not break lines with the usual paragraph spacing (which would be way too much due to the `\onehalfspacing`).
**(i)** Please note: If you have acronyms that are longer than four characters, you may extend the parameter in brackets behind the `\begin{acronym}` statement.
I compiled the abovementioned "conventions" from this boilerplate to a set of snippets for Visual Studio Code to faciliate the use of this boilerplate within that editor.
There are snippets available for both LaTex documents and BibTex library files.
As they're bundled in this repo (`.vscode/*.code-snippets`), you should be able to use them right away.
* Repo-level snippets are [only supported starting with VS Code 1.28 (September 2018)](
* Editing LaTex projects in VS Code requires the [LaTex Workshop Extension](