2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
setInterval ( function ( ) {
stillAlive ( ) ;
} , 60000 ) ;
function stillAlive ( ) {
2018-10-17 11:56:22 +00:00
$ . get ( '/Main/stillAlive' ) ;
2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
jQuery ( function ( $ ) {
stillAlive ( ) ;
$ ( function ( ) {
$ ( '#main-slider.carousel' ) . carousel ( {
interval : 8000
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} ) ;
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$ ( '.centered' ) . each ( function ( e ) {
$ ( this ) . css ( 'margin-top' , ( $ ( '#main-slider' ) . height ( ) - $ ( this ) . height ( ) ) / 2 ) ;
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$ ( '.centered' ) . each ( function ( e ) {
$ ( this ) . css ( 'margin-top' , ( $ ( '#main-slider' ) . height ( ) - $ ( this ) . height ( ) ) / 2 ) ;
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$ ( this ) . css ( 'margin-top' , ( $ ( '#main-slider' ) . height ( ) - $ ( this ) . height ( ) ) / 2 ) ;
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//contact form
var form = $ ( '.contact-form' ) ;
form . submit ( function ( ) {
$this = $ ( this ) ;
$ . post ( $ ( this ) . attr ( 'action' ) , function ( data ) {
$this . prev ( ) . text ( data . message ) . fadeIn ( ) . delay ( 3000 ) . fadeOut ( ) ;
} , 'json' ) ;
return false ;
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//goto top
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event . preventDefault ( ) ;
$ ( 'html, body' ) . animate ( {
scrollTop : $ ( "body" ) . offset ( ) . top
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2018-10-17 09:17:00 +00:00
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< a class = "btn btn-sm btn-primary" id = "cookie-confirm" > Alles klar < / a >
< / d i v >
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2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
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// Feedback Form
function sendFeedback ( ) {
var message = $ ( '#feedbackModal textarea[name=message]' ) . val ( ) ;
var anonymous = $ ( '#feedbackModal input[name=anonymous]' ) . is ( ':checked' ) ;
var url = window . location . pathname ;
if ( message === "" ) {
$ ( '#feedbackModal #message' ) . addClass ( 'has-error' ) ;
} else {
$ . ajax ( {
2018-10-17 11:56:22 +00:00
url : "/Main/addFeedback" ,
2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
method : "POST" ,
data : {
message : message ,
anonymous : anonymous ,
url : url
} ,
beforeSend : function ( ) {
$ ( '#feedbackModal .modal-body' ) . append ( '<div class="modal-loading-container"><i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin modal-loading-icon"></i></div>' ) ;
$ ( '#feedbackModalSend' ) . button ( 'loading' ) ;
} ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ ( '#feedbackModal .modal-loading-container .modal-loading-icon' ) . removeClass ( 'fa-cog fa-spin' ) . addClass ( 'fa-check success' ) . append ( '<span>Vielen Dank für dein Feedback!</span>' ) ;
} ,
error : console . log
} ) ;
// Contact form
function sendContactMessage ( ) {
var message = $ ( '#contact-message textarea' ) . val ( ) ;
var email = "" ;
if ( $ ( '#email-address input' ) . val ( ) !== null ) {
email = $ ( '#email-address input' ) . val ( )
$ ( '#contactModal .modal-body' ) . append ( '<div class="modal-loading-container"><div class="modal-loading-icon"><i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i></div></div>' ) ;
$ ( '#contactModalSend' ) . button ( 'loading' ) ;
$ . ajax ( {
2018-10-17 11:56:22 +00:00
url : "/Main/contactTeam" ,
2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
method : "POST" ,
data : {
message : message ,
email : email
} ,
success : function ( data ) {
if ( data . type ) {
$ ( '#contactModal .modal-loading-container .modal-loading-icon i' ) . removeClass ( 'fa-cog fa-spin' ) . addClass ( 'fa-check' ) . parents ( '.modal-loading-icon' ) . addClass ( 'success' ) . append ( '<span>' + data . message + '</span>' ) ;
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$ ( '#contactModal .modal-loading-container .modal-loading-icon i' ) . removeClass ( 'fa-cog fa-spin' ) . addClass ( 'fa-times' ) . parents ( '.modal-loading-icon' ) . addClass ( 'error' ) . append ( '<span>' + data . message + '</span>' ) ;
} ,
error : function ( data ) {
$ ( '#contactModal .modal-loading-container .modal-loading-icon i' ) . removeClass ( 'fa-cog fa-spin' ) . addClass ( 'fa-times' ) . parents ( '.modal-loading-icon' ) . addClass ( 'error' ) . append ( '<span>Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten</span>' ) ;
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$ ( '.menu-icon' ) . removeClass ( 'is-open' ) ;
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$ ( function ( ) {
$ . each ( $ ( ".share-btn" ) , function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . on ( "click" , function ( event ) {
var width = 650 ,
height = 450 ;
event . preventDefault ( ) ;
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$ ( '.navbar-inverse' ) . removeAttr ( 'style' ) ;
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$ ( function ( ) {
$ ( '[data-toggle="tooltip"]' ) . tooltip ( ) ;
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function toggleMenu ( ) {
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$ ( '.side-navigation-background' ) . toggleClass ( 'active' ) ;
$ ( '.menu-icon' ) . toggleClass ( 'is-open' ) ;
$ ( document ) . keyup ( function ( e ) {
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function addReadMoreBtns ( ) {
$ ( '.comment-well .content-container' ) . each ( function ( ) {
$ ( '.content .read-more-btn' , $ ( this ) ) . remove ( ) ;
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$ ( '.content' , $ ( this ) ) . append ( '<p class="read-more-btn"><a href="#">Mehr lesen</a></p>' ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.comment-well .read-more-btn a' ) . click ( function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
const parent = $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) ;
const totalHeight = $ ( '.content' , parent ) . outerHeight ( ) + 55 ;
parent . css ( {
"height" : parent . height ( ) ,
"max-height" : 9999
} ) . animate ( {
"height" : totalHeight
} , 200 ) ;
$ ( this ) . parent ( ) . fadeOut ( ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#notificationMenuButton' ) . click ( ( ) => {
$ . ajax ( {
2018-10-17 11:56:22 +00:00
url : '/Main/notificationsRead' ,
2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
method : 'post' ,
success : ( data ) => {
2018-10-17 09:17:00 +00:00
if ( data . success ) {
2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
loadNotificationsAsync ( ) ;
2018-10-17 14:27:56 +00:00
2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
2018-10-17 14:27:56 +00:00
const notificationCount = 5 ;
let notificationOffset = 0 ;
2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
function loadNotificationsAsync ( ) {
$ . ajax ( {
2018-10-17 11:56:22 +00:00
url : '/Main/getNotifications' ,
2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
method : 'POST' ,
2018-10-17 14:27:56 +00:00
data : {
count : notificationCount ,
offset : notificationOffset
} ,
2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
beforeSend : ( ) => {
2018-10-17 14:27:56 +00:00
$ ( '#notificationMenu' ) . find ( '.fa' ) . removeClass ( 'fa-frown text-danger' ) . addClass ( 'fa-spin fa-cog' ) ;
2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
} ,
success : ( data ) => {
$ ( '#notificationMenu' ) . find ( '.text-center' ) . remove ( ) ;
if ( data . status === 'success' ) {
const container = $ ( '#notificationMenu .list-group' ) ;
for ( let notification of data . notifications ) {
container . append ( `
< a href = "${notification.link}" class = "list-group-item list-group-item-action flex-column align-items-start ${notification.unread === 1 ? '' : 'disabled'}" >
< div class = "d-flex w-100 justify-content-between" >
< h5 class = "mb-1" > $ { notification . sender } < / h 5 >
< small > $ { notification . time } < / s m a l l >
< / d i v >
< p class = "mb-1" > $ { notification . message } < / p >
< / a >
` )
if ( data . notifications . length > 0 ) {
const unread = data . notifications . filter ( e => e . unread === 1 ) ;
2018-10-17 09:17:00 +00:00
if ( unread . length > 0 ) {
2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
$ ( '#notificationCount' ) . text ( unread . length ) ;
2018-10-17 14:42:36 +00:00
notificationOffset ++ ;
} else {
$ ( '#notificationMenu .list-group p.list-group-item' ) . remove ( ) ;
$ ( '#notificationMenu .list-group' ) . append ( ` <p class="list-group-item text-muted">Keine neuen Benachrichtigungen</p> ` )
2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
} ,
2018-10-17 14:27:56 +00:00
error : ( ) => {
$ ( '#notificationMenu' ) . find ( '.fa' ) . removeClass ( 'fa-spin fa-cog' ) . addClass ( 'fa-frown text-danger' ) ;
2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
} ) ;
2018-10-17 09:17:00 +00:00
2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
loadNotificationsAsync ( ) ;
2018-10-27 10:08:54 +00:00
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