2018-10-16 16:28:42 +00:00
< ? php
defined ( 'BASEPATH' ) OR exit ( 'No direct script access allowed' );
$lang [ 'profile_social_networks' ] = 'Social Networks' ;
// Profile card
$lang [ 'profile_follow' ] = 'Follow' ;
$lang [ 'profile_following' ] = 'Following' ;
$lang [ 'profile_unfollow' ] = 'Unfollow' ;
$lang [ 'profile_gender' ] = 'Gender' ;
$lang [ 'profile_gender_male' ] = 'Male' ;
$lang [ 'profile_gender_female' ] = 'Female' ;
$lang [ 'profile_gender_other' ] = 'Other' ;
$lang [ 'profile_country' ] = 'Country' ;
$lang [ 'profile_language' ] = 'Language' ;
$lang [ 'profile_user_rank' ] = 'User rank' ;
$lang [ 'profile_rank' ] = 'Rank' ;
$lang [ 'profile_account_age' ] = 'Account age' ;
$lang [ 'profile_account_created' ] = 'Account created %1$s' ;
$lang [ 'profile_birth_date' ] = 'Birth date' ;
$lang [ 'profile_born' ] = 'Born on' ;
// Profile page header
$lang [ 'profile_contributions' ] = 'Contributions' ;
$lang [ 'profile_posts' ] = 'Posts' ;
$lang [ 'profile_blog_posts' ] = 'Blog Posts' ;
$lang [ 'profile_blog_comments' ] = 'Blog Comments' ;
$lang [ 'profile_followers' ] = 'Followers' ;
$lang [ 'profile_followed_users' ] = 'Following' ;
$lang [ 'profile_edit' ] = 'Edit Profile' ;
// Content
$lang [ 'profile_all_posts' ] = 'All Posts' ;
$lang [ 'profile_view_posts' ] = 'View all posts' ;
$lang [ 'profile_all_blog_posts' ] = 'All Blog Posts' ;
$lang [ 'profile_view_blog_posts' ] = 'view all blog posts' ;
$lang [ 'profile_all_blog_comments' ] = 'All Blog Comments' ;
$lang [ 'profile_view_blog_comments' ] = 'view all blog comments' ;
$lang [ 'profile_all_followers' ] = 'All Followers' ;
$lang [ 'profile_all_followed' ] = 'All Followed Users' ;
// Feed
$lang [ 'feed_your_feed' ] = 'Personal Feed' ;
$lang [ 'feed_popular' ] = 'Popular' ;
$lang [ 'feed_top_users' ] = 'Top Users' ;
$lang [ 'feed_trending_users' ] = 'Trending Users' ;
$lang [ 'feed_your_profile' ] = 'Your Profile' ;
$lang [ 'feed_search' ] = 'Search' ;
$lang [ 'feed_search_all' ] = 'Everything' ;
$lang [ 'feed_search_user' ] = 'Users' ;
$lang [ 'feed_search_posts' ] = 'Posts' ;
$lang [ 'feed_search_media' ] = 'Media' ;
2018-10-28 14:33:06 +00:00
$lang [ 'post_reply_to' ] = 'as a reply to' ;
$lang [ 'post_reply' ] = 'Reply' ;
$lang [ 'post_no_replies' ] = 'There are no replies to this post currently. How about you\'re becoming the first one to write a reply?' ;
$lang [ 'post_like' ] = 'Like' ;
$lang [ 'post_like_account_missing' ] = 'You have to be logged in to like posts. <a href="' . base_url ( 'login' ) . '" class="alert-link">Create a new account for free now or sign in with an existing profile.</a>' ;
$lang [ 'post_copy_link' ] = 'Copy Post Link' ;
$lang [ 'post_report' ] = 'Report Post' ;
$lang [ 'post_delete' ] = 'Delete Post' ;