$lang['faq_des']='On this page, you can find the answers to the most asked questions.';
$lang['faq_note_title']='Hey, you! This page is currently not available in English. But we\'re working on it!';
$lang['faq_note_des']='As you can see, we haven\'t translated this FAQ page into English. But to make you hope: we\'re currently working on the translation of this page. This page is very text intensive, so it takes a little bit more time to translate all question and answers. We\'re looking forward to publish the English translation in about one month, but we won\'t guarantee a release date yet. So we don\'t stand under pressure and have enough time to deliver you a high quality translation!';
$lang['faq_section1_title']='What\'s the matter of this website?';
$lang['faq_section1_q1']='What can I find here?';
$lang['faq_section1_q2']='And from whom is that?';
$lang['faq_section1_q3']='Does the site cost something?';
$lang['faq_section1_q4']='Is there a team behind the website? And if so, who\'s part of it?';
$lang['faq_section1_q5']='In what languages is the website available?';
$lang['faq_section2_title']='Who is this KingOfDog? Do I HAVE to know him?';
$lang['faq_section2_q1']='Who is KingOfDog?';
$lang['faq_section2_q2']='And what does this guy do?';
$lang['faq_section2_q3']='From where could I know him?';
$lang['faq_section2_q4']='Why did he create this website?';
$lang['faq_section2_q5']='How did he learn to code and to design?';